
Featured Donor | World Vision

By November 16, 2018August 4th, 2022Article, Food Donors

Meet Jonathan Damico, GIK Medical Volunteer Coordinator at World Vision, one of our amazing food donor partners!

Why is redirecting food surplus important to World Vision?

A large quantity of the work that World Vision does at our Pittsburgh facility is geared towards our international program. Recently, we took on a product donation line that allows us to do some distributing locally in our area. We were really excited about this, but it also meant we needed to find organizations to distribute product. With this donation came non perishable food items, and to be quite honest- 412 Food Rescue was our first thought because we know the work that 412FR is done with such excellence.

What value has 412 Food Rescue provided to World Vision?

A consistent outlet for food product that gets food to people who need it- that is an incredible value. The entire idea of that fits perfectly with what we do as an organization- seeking to change the world by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Whether it is in a far off corner of the world you may never visit or even know exists or down the street at a neighbor’s house, poverty keeps people from their full potential. Food insecurity is an element of poverty that can be solved for.

If you could give someone one reason to volunteer with 412 Food Rescue, what would it be?

Just one?! How about 3.

  1. It’s simple – If you are anything like me you are constantly out and about, and I can pretty much guarantee you have access to the interwebs. You probably have such an interwebs access device in your hand right this very second. Download the app. It’s brilliant. You can be rescuing food immediately.
  2. Be part of a team – Here at the World Vision facility in Pittsburgh, the majority of the work that we do could never happen without volunteers. No matter how great our staff is, or how efficient our organization is, without volunteers there is no fuel in the engine. 412 Food Rescue is the same way – they cannot do the amazing work they do without you. You can be a part of the team!
  3. Someone once said to me, so much in life comes down to one decision – you can choose to do nothing, or you can choose to do something. To take action. This is your chance – help 412 Food Rescue change your community, this region, and ultimately the world one food rescue at a time.