412 Food Rescue is excited to onboard Salem’s Market and Grill as a new food donor!
Salem’s Market and Grill joins 412 Food Rescue in their commitment to reduce food waste by partnering as a new food donor with the food rescue organization.
During their first month of rescues (beginning Feb. 17th, 2024), they donated a total of 1,215 lbs of food from their new Hill District location!
This new partnership with Salem’s Market and Grill is opening new doors for supporting our nonprofit partner sites in the Hill District! With these donations, we have been able to add new weekly pick-ups for 6 nonprofit partners. These donations will make a tremendous impact in the Hill District!
Last week, Mayor Ed Gainey stopped by the new Salem’s Market and Grill in the Hill District to rescue some food and deliver it to one of our longstanding partners, the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh. He got to see firsthand the dedication of our volunteers, our food donors’ generosity, and our nonprofit partners’ unwavering commitment to bridging the gap of food insecurity.
We look forward to our continued work with Salem’s Market and Grill, and are excited to leverage this partnership to not only reduce food waste, but increase food access in the Greater Pittsburgh region!