Events Roundup to the Rescue! | Winslo6 & Hop Farm Brewing Co. Saturday, July 8 | 2-8PM | Hop Farm Brewing Company Tickets. Partial proceeds benefit 412 Food Rescue!412 Food RescueJuly 5, 2017
Events Christmas in July | Miracle Friday, July 7 - Monday, July 10 | STATION More info coming soon! Partial proceeds benefit 412 Food Rescue!412 Food RescueJuly 5, 2017
ArticlePress Release 412 Food Rescue Expands Ugly CSA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Leah Lizarondo | 412-329-8889 | 412 Food Rescue Expands The Ugly CSA - Increases Environmental Impact 5X The…412 Food RescueJuly 5, 2017
ArticleNonprofit Partners Featured Partner | Lawrenceville United Hear from Dave Breingan, Executive Director of Lawrenceville United, about their important work and how LU connects to 412 Food Rescue!…412 Food RescueJune 1, 2017
Food Donors Featured Donor | Giant Eagle Hear from Giant Eagle about why ending #foodwaste and #hunger is so important! Why is redirecting surplus food important to Giant…412 Food RescueJune 1, 2017
Featured Volunteers Featured Volunteer | Carrie Rose Hear from #foodrescuehero Carrie Rose about her experiences reducing #foodwaste and #hunger in Pittsburgh! How did you first learn about…412 Food RescueJune 1, 2017
Article 412 Food Rescue | First-time #foodrescuehero Andrew Gibson rescues from the Pittsburgh Marathon What made #foodrescuehero Andrew Gibson complete his FIRST EVER RESCUE at the Pittsburgh Marathon? What made you decide to volunteer?…412 Food RescueMay 31, 2017
Article Latika Davis-Jones’ reason for running We wanted to know why #marathonhero & top fundraiser, Latika Davis-Jones, chose to run on behalf of 412 Food Rescue…412 Food RescueMay 26, 2017
Events Where to Turn Resource Fair – Wellness is Prevention Thursday, May 25 | 8:00 AM | David L Lawrence Convention Center Tickets412 Food RescueMay 24, 2017
Media Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | 412 Food Rescue mobilizes volunteers to distribute surplus food The mission to eliminate waste may be impossible, but a pool of 1,500 volunteers ensures that someone is always available…412 Food RescueMay 24, 2017