Media CBS Pittsburgh | It’s A ‘Miracle’! Holiday-Themed Pop-Up Bar Returning To Pittsburgh For 3rd Year The bar will also raise money for 412 Food Rescue. Last year,…412 Food RescueFebruary 19, 2019
Media Pittsburgh Business Times | Meet the 2018 Corporate Citizenship Award winners Award winner Giant Eagle is working with 412 Food Rescue to provide food and establish best practices the nonprofit can…412 Food RescueFebruary 19, 2019
Media Pittsburgh Magazine | 412 Food Rescue Expands Its Classes on Cooking Surplus Food By the end of 2018, 412 Food Rescue, a Pittsburgh-based nonprofit which serves as a connector between surplus-prone food businesses and…412 Food RescueFebruary 18, 2019
Media PR Newswire | Schoolhouse Announces Grand Opening Of Detective Building Portland, Ore.-based lighting and lifestyle company Schoolhouse will open its newest retail store in more than ten years in the East Liberty neighborhood of Pittsburgh,…412 Food RescueFebruary 18, 2019
Media The Incline | Inside Pittsburgh’s food deserts, where buying milk or veggies is impossible “There’s the dichotomy: It’s a foodie city, but not a lot of people are close to a grocery store.” By Rossilynne…412 Food RescueFebruary 18, 2019
Article Chrissy and Ashley Are Running to Help Change the World Chrissy and Ashley, both Slippery Rock University grads, share why they're running as Marathon Heroes this year! How did you…412 Food RescueFebruary 15, 2019
ArticleFeatured Volunteers Featured Hero | Michael Dougherty On this special February edition of our featured Food Rescue Hero, Michael Dougherty (you might also know him as Mikey…412 Food RescueFebruary 4, 2019
ArticleNonprofit Partners Featured Nonprofit Partner | Working Warrior Foundation Meet Mark Simon, Founder & Executive Director of Pittsburgh's Working Warrior Foundation, one of 412 Food Rescue's nonprofit partners! Tell…412 Food RescueJanuary 17, 2019
Events 412 Food Rescue Marathon Heroes 2019 – Pittsburgh Marathon 412 Food Rescue was founded as a direct response to the fact that while we waste 40% of our food,…412 Food RescueJanuary 15, 2019
ArticleFood Donors Featured Donor | World Vision Meet Jonathan Damico, GIK Medical Volunteer Coordinator at World Vision, one of our amazing food donor partners! Why is redirecting…412 Food RescueNovember 16, 2018