Media WTEA | Helping the hungry: Uber teams up with 412 Food Rescue Helping the hungry: Uber teams up with 412 Food Rescue By Nick Matoney Uber users are asked to enter the code…412 Food RescueJanuary 9, 2018
Media The Incline | Each time you enter this code in its app, Uber will donate $1 to 412 Food Rescue in Pittsburgh No ride required — but you only have until the end of Hunger Action Month to help out. By MJ…412 Food RescueJanuary 9, 2018
Media Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | Group that feeds the hungry expands into five counties Last year, a total of 2.66 million pounds of food were distributed by the Washington County Food Bank. By DEANA CARPENTER…412 Food RescueJanuary 9, 2018
Media Pittsburgh City Paper | 412 Food Rescue spawns 724 Food Rescue Food-saving initiative begins in five surrounding counties By Bill O'Driscoll Good ideas spread quickly. In 2015, the nonprofit 412 Food…412 Food RescueJanuary 9, 2018
Media WESA | Farm Aid 2017 Hopes To Teach You Beekeeping While Listening To Willie Nelson Farm Aid was started in 1985 to raise awareness about family farms, which were struggling—some facing foreclosure. The festival has evolved,…412 Food RescueJanuary 8, 2018
Media Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | Just enough food: 412 Food Rescue shows the value of less waste The Pittsburgh nonprofit 412 Food Rescue is dedicated to the same mission: “to prevent perfectly good food from entering the…412 Food RescueJanuary 8, 2018
Media Pittsburgh Magazine | Pittsburgh’s 412 Food Rescue is Set To Expand The nonprofit will introduce 724 Food Rescue later this month at Farm Aid. By Hal B. Klein | PHOTOS BY RENEE…412 Food RescueJanuary 8, 2018
Media Boston Herald | Don’t waste that food – oops, dollar! Imagine this. A woman opens a garbage bin and tosses a $5 bill in it. If she continues doing it…412 Food RescueOctober 20, 2017
Media Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | Don’t waste that food – oops, dollar! Imagine this. A woman opens a garbage bin and tosses a $5 bill in it. If she continues doing it…412 Food RescueOctober 20, 2017
Media The Incline | This Pittsburgh CSA gives ‘ugly’ food some love Truly embracing the adage “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” Pittsburghers are giving “ugly” fruits and vegetables a…412 Food RescueOctober 20, 2017