
Featured Partner: Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh

By April 19, 2017August 4th, 2022Article, Nonprofit Partners

Hear from Michelle Sandidge, Chief Community Affairs Officer with HACP, about her work and how her organization is connected to 412 Food Rescue!

What does your organization do?

Provide housing opportunities for over 20,000 seniors, persons with disabilities, adults and families in the City of Pittsburgh.

What is your role in the organization?

Chief Community Affairs Officer

What is your organization’s biggest challenge in terms of supporting food insecure individuals and families?

We are masters at providing housing assistance, but securing food is not our specialty. Often times we would have to refer residents to services and cross our fingers that they would be assisted. In many cases we would reach into our own pockets to assist.  At times our food security would be reactive as opposed to proactive.

What has been your favorite delivery since your partnership with us?

In North View Heights when a boatload of potatoes were delivered.  We have a large African Immigrant/Refugee population there. I was in the community and residents were carrying items on their heads. Other non African residents were assisting with the distribution and helping carry and deliver food.   I stopped in the middle of the street and took several pictures with my phone. I was both proud and moved by the community spirit.  It was breathtaking to witness everyone’s dedication and willingness as 412 worked to help the community fulfilling the mission to provide healthy eating opportunities for all.

If you could give someone one reason to volunteer with 412 Food Rescue, what would it be?

I read somewhere, that by volunteering and seeing the smiles of others you are blessed. People ebb in gratitude and flow in thanks!!! What an awesome take away.