
Ugly CSA Hiatus for 2023 Season

By March 28, 2023Article

For the 2023 season, the Ugly CSA program will be on hiatus. 

Thank you for your continued support of this program and our organization. We know you love the chance to support local agriculture, keep good food out of the waste stream and support 412 Food Rescue by subscribing to the Ugly CSA–we love it too! However this year has thrown some challenges at us, a fire at the Good Food Project, transition of our founder and CEO, and transition into new leadership, so it just makes sense to focus on our core mission of rescuing food while we gear up for our next exciting phase.

We know so many of you look forward to the Ugly CSA season for receiving fresh produce as well as volunteering with this program. We will miss seeing you weekly and hearing about your fantastic adventures with “ugly” produce. We hope you will join us again next year as we fully plan to have the Ugly CSA program back for the next season and look forward to your participation in 2024. 

We know you are disappointed and we apologize – we hate to let you down! But when we do something, we like to do it right and we realized we couldn’t have done the Ugly CSA the way it deserves to be done and canceling this year’s season was better than muddling through. We truly thank you for your patience and understanding as we launch this new chapter. 

Looking forward to a renewed season in 2024.

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