Media TribLive | 412 Food Rescue app is gaining national attention On the small, streamlined scale at which 412 Food Rescue operates, the model is a new one. As such, the…412 Food RescueFebruary 2, 2018
Events Munch & Mingle: South Side Friday, February 23 | 11:30AM - 1:30PM | Steel Cactus: South Side RSVP412 Food RescueJanuary 31, 2018
Events Hero Celebration & 412 City Cider Release | Threadbare Cider House Thursday, January 25th | 6-8PM | Threadbare Cider House Tickets. Cider proceeds benefit our work!412 Food RescueJanuary 22, 2018
ArticleFeatured Volunteers Featured Hero | Rebecca Maclean Meet Rebecca Maclean - longtime #FoodRescueHero and an around awesome human. How did you first learn about 412 Food Rescue?…412 Food RescueJanuary 12, 2018
Media Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle | Mitzvah Day 2017 is a family volunteering affair More than 1,000 volunteers signed up for slots at nearly 100 sites throughout the city. By ADAM REINHERZ Mitzvah Day is…412 Food RescueJanuary 10, 2018
Media TRIB | Shady Side Academy students take close look at world problems on Global Action Day Students last month studied some of the world's most prevalent problems and learned ways to combat them. By TAWNYA PANIZZI Hana…412 Food RescueJanuary 10, 2018
Media The Pittsburgh Marathon | RUN FOR A REASON: MELINDA’S STORY Melinda Angeles started volunteering for 412 Food Rescue after learning about it through the Sustainability Green Team of Allegheny County.…412 Food RescueJanuary 10, 2018
Media The CEO Library | Book-Talk with Leah Lizarondo, Food Waste Fighter 1 in 7 people goes hungry while 40% of food is wasted – these should be contradictory facts, but they’re…412 Food RescueJanuary 10, 2018
Media Good Food Pittsburgh | 412 Food Rescue Harnesses Pittsburgh’s Technology Scene for Good In the two years since its launch, 412 Food Rescue has salvaged nearly 2 million pounds of food from going to waste…412 Food RescueJanuary 10, 2018
Media TRIB | Fanfare: Rescued food gets makeover for Sunday Supper benefitting 412 Food Rescue Renowned chefs from across the country. Ten courses ranging from squash panzanella salad to charcoal tempura. By KATE BENZ Back in…412 Food RescueJanuary 10, 2018